Welcome! How This All Began

Hello and welcome to my blog.  I hope you will find something to smile about as you follow me through life on The White Dog Farm.  

If I listed all of the major life changes our family has been through in the past year, it would probably make your head spin.  Mine sure does. 
About a year ago I left my dream job.  I had worked for several years with a truly amazing team doing things things I could have only dreamt of doing.  Due to changes the organization made I made a difficult decision to leave.   Next came an entirely new position in an entirely new industry learning entirely new skills with entirely new people.  After going through training and getting established in that position I was just beginning to create a following when I quit.  That's right, life thew me a curve ball and I had to leave yet another job that I loved.  

Within the span of a week we bought a small farm in Kentucky.  I know, right?  I sure didn't see that coming. I don't think anyone did but life has a way of throwing you curve balls now and then.  I like to think of it as God's way of getting our attention. 

That was last November and now we are currently in the process of selling our MUCH loved home of over 30 years.  In fact, the Open House is just finishing up as I write this.  Hold on while I grab a tissue.  Its heartbreaking to let our beautiful home full of so many memories go.  Its the home we built ourselves and raised our family in.  I was sure they would drag my dead body out of that house one day and never EVER thought I would move, but life takes you to interesting places.

The past few months we have worked LONG days renovating our new home, and barn, and pond, and garden, and as if all that wasn't enough change, we moved my mom in with us.  Adjusting to another person in the house is in itself a challenge made more challenging because my mother suffers from dementia.  Along with her disease comes some really baffling obsessions.  Its sad but its also pretty funny at times.  Since I can't do a think about her disease I try to just laugh where I can.  It is what it is.

So ... its been a stressful season of life to say the least.  The best way I find to deal with that stress is through maintaining a sense of humor.  A sense of humor can get you though a lot and so on this blog you will find our daily adventures on the farm with a hint of humor that I find in it. Honestly if I didn't laugh, I'd scream.  Sometimes I still scream anyway.

Oh and if you don't know already, we also have three dogs who we have rescued and who have very unique needs.  In short, two of the three don't like my husband much.  You will be reading about them as well and their antics.  

My posts will be just short snippets.  That's all I have time for and probably all you have the time or desire to read.  This post will be among the longest and many will only be a paragraph or less long.   I hope you enjoy looking in and maybe laugh a little and maybe even find a way to laugh through your own struggles in life because we've all got 'em.  



  1. So glad you are doing this! I have always enjoyed your stories (yes, I know they aren't fictional)! Your writing style is easy and I can always envision your situation! Enjoy this new venture in life!


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