You know what’s difficult about advice?  Every situation is different.  

I’m in several Facebook groups for miniature donkey owners to learn about their care.  I ask lots of questions and seek lots of advice on everything donkey.  The problem is, if you ask 10 people about a particular thing, you’ll get 12 different answers.   

In a few weeks we will be setting up our pasture for the donkeys we will eventually get.  Before we set fence posts, we need to know the needs of donkeys.  They are not like horses at all.  This has led to a fair amount of frustration since no one seems to agree about … anything.  

Some say “just put them out on pasture all day”.  Others say “never just put them out on the pasture”.  Some say “bare paddocks only” while others have multiple paddocks.  Everyone has good reasoning for their advice and it makes perfect sense…until you hear the next person.  

It’s enough to make you crazy.  

Then someone said something that made sense.  “It depends on the pasture and the donkey”.   We’ll duh!!   

Like so many things in life people have a tendency to see everyone else’s situation through their own bias or their own experiences when it’s often not the right advice for everyone.  


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